First stop for the first couple's weekend vacation on Friday was a roadside restaurant that President Barack Obama visited during the final month of his White House campaign.
Obama and first lady Michelle Obama landed in the Blue Ridge Mountains and made a quick stop at Twelve Bones Smokehouse on the way to their resort. The White House said the first couple ate ribs, mac and cheese, greens, baked beans, corn bread and corn pudding before motorcading to their mountaintop hotel.
Deputy press secretary Bill Burton said the couple – vacationing without their two young daughters – washed their midday meal down with sweet tea.
After a more than hour-long hike that your pooler didn't get to (or have to, depending on your view of hikes) go on, the president and the first lady emerged from the trail off of Blue Ridge Parkway at 4:34 p.m.
A string of sweaty USSS agents and support staff emerged first. POTUS and FLOTUS, each carrying a bottle of water, exchanged a few words with a couple of rangers at the top of the trail.
Neither of the first hikers seemed winded, and FLOTUS, who had on a tank top and her shirt around her waist, even did a light jog to their SUV.
At 4:36 and motorcade was rolling.
Bill Burton sends along this anecdote from POTUS and FLOTUS's hike:
Quote from chance encounter with an elderly woman on the hiking trail. They stopped briefly to say hi.
"Are you who I think you are?
You just made my day. You just made my year!"
This trip was meant to be vacation, and Obama didn't even plan to make calls on the fierce debate over financial reform legislation in the Senate, press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters at the White House on Friday.
"Knock on wood," Gibbs said.
On Obama's previous visit to the city, in October 2008, the then-senator prepared for a debate and rallied supporters – and lamented he couldn't play golf.
"What a spectacular place," Obama said during the Oct. 5, 2008, stop in Asheville.
"The only thing I don't like about it is that I had to drive by the golf course, and it looks really nice. And my staff won't let me play. I'm going to have to come back."
He did get his game in!
Men, you got to step your game up!
The Obama’s plan to return to Washington on Sunday evening.
The Duchess
-sitting on the side of the bed
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